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  • kirath

New Technologies in Low-Income Countries

The adoption of new technologies in low-income countries is not an easy process. Some people may fear change, while others may not understand the opportunities offered by technology.

And yet, promoting adoption is crucial!

The adoption of information and communication technologies (ICT) in developing countries offers a unique opportunity to transfer knowledge via private and public information systems. Mobile phones significantly reduce communication and information costs for the rural poor. This not only creates new opportunities to obtain access to information on agricultural techniques for rural farmers, but it also fosters the use of ICTs for other purposes, promoting their inclusion in a wider community.

Smallholder farmers should be able to access information and advice anywhere at any time and to apply them in their farming practice straightaway. Timing in farming is crucial. Internet broadband connection and a system that can provide farmers with local, tailored, real-time information is the first step towards increased production, adaptation to climate change, fertiliser and pesticide control, and peer collaboration.

Farmer Charlie’s aim is to create the best circumstances in which farmers develop trust, motivation, and a positive attitude towards new technologies.

-Margherita Magnini

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